Caligola 4.31.4 Full Version
Comelz Caligola 4.31.4 Full Version Works for lifetime Supports all Windows 32/64 bits Video Product description Caligola 4 efficiently summarizes experience and innovation, while offering unprecedented graphical features, such as superposition in transparency, multi-colored common lines, anti-alias filter for high-quality representations, automatic labels, creation of pieces with concealment of non-coherent entities, etc. Flexible tools and functions that can be parameterized by the user, to facilitate learning for beginners and streamline operations for expert users. To import, export and modify models in DXF format, with conversion filters for each system or configuration. To record the models in public XML format, and make them accessible, permanent, to any CAD / CAM system. To import and export in the new standard data format of Assomac. To communicate with anyone who does not have a CAD system: - exporting the models in PDF format, printable on a...